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Seminars are an invaluable resource for anyone looking to learn more about their craft and establish themselves within an industry. They provide an opportunity for those attending to network with professionals, hear from experts, and gain knowledge that can be applied to their own work. The seminars offered at Victory Art are especially useful for artists who are just starting out in their art career or are struggling to properly establish themselves within the industry. These seminars are supported by Erasmus, who works with Victory Art to help provide the content and delivery of them.


The seminars provided by Victory Art offer guidance on the essential topics and mindset an artist should be aware of as they enter the art industry. These seminars are open to everyone. However, Victory Art puts a focus on central and eastern European artists as they believe that the challenges, they face are significantly more difficult to overcome than those present in western culture. The seminars aim to directly face these challenges by offering expert guidance on networking, marketing, creating a brand, finding expos, etc.


The wide range of seminars that are offered by Victory Art and its partners, ensures that artists have access to all the information they could possibly need to learn about. They offer tips and educational information on how you can establish yourself and guarantee that you are doing everything in a manner that brings you more opportunities as an artist. Some seminars that artists can use to develop themselves include creating a portfolio and brand for themselves, building client relationships & creating promotional material.


The art industry can be difficult to get into because it is a highly competitive field with a limited number of opportunities. The most successful artists are those who are able to stand out from the competition, have a unique style, and are able to build a strong network. Additionally, the art industry is often very demanding in terms of time, resources, and finances. It can be difficult for newcomers to break into the industry without the proper resources or connections. Victory Art aims to help people overcome such issues, this is one of the main reasons they find it so important to provide seminars for people struggling to enter the art industry.


The most important thing about being an artist is having a passion for creating. Artists put their time and effort into creating something new, and it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to make something unique. It is also important to stay open-minded and creative, always pushing yourself to explore new ideas and perspectives. If you have the passion and desire to become successful, then it is essential to use the knowledge that is available to you. With the seminars provided by Victory Art, artists can turn their passion and vision into a reality.


You can find our selection of seminars here








Co-funded by the European Union



Our main goal is to help creatives and creators to make Europe fit for the digital age by educating them about the important skills for the 21st century. It was possible to create these seminars with the help of Erasmus and the European Union.